Travel Trunk Returns Home
Our last Portico newsletter featured an article entitled Bon Voyage about Mr. and Mrs. Callaway’s 1956 cruise around the world aboard the R.M.S. Caronia. Upon reading the article their great-grandson, Fuller Callaway IV, recognized the name Caronia because he had seen it on a trunk that was passed down to him some years earlier. After learning about the trip, Fuller offered to loan the trunk to Hills & Dales so that it could be used to tell more about the Callaway’s interest in travel. According to Suellen Dolan, Tour Coordinator, “We are really excited to have it on display in Mr. Callaway’s bedroom. Guests will enjoy seeing this unique travel trunk that actually converts into a standing dresser with four drawers. It’s a wonderful piece that shows how the Callaway’s enjoyed leisure travel.” Make sure you check it out on your next visit to the Callaway home, and special thanks to Fuller for sharing this fascinating object.
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